Project Horizon

founded in 1963, Meta House provides comprehensive Substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health treatment to women and specializes in treating pregnant and parenting women.

Meta House is seeking a $30M allocation in New Markets Tax Credits to develop, relocate, and expand our treatment campus.

Meta House anticipates it will relocate its headquarters to 3901 W. Bluemound Road. The property is currently owned by MillerCoors and was most recently used as a data center. Operations concluded at this location approximately 10 years ago.

Brief Description of Meta House

Meta House was established in 1963 and first began operations at 2843 W. State Street. In the 1980s, the organization relocated to the Riverwest neighborhood after it acquired two facilities in which it could grow its residential clinical operations. Today the nonprofit organization fulfills its mission to end the generational cycle of addiction by healing women and strengthening families through its comprehensive clinical programming, which includes residential treatment, an outpatient clinic, and recovery housing. Meta House is one of the only treatment providers in Wisconsin to allow women to bring their children into the residential treatment program so mother and child can heal simultaneously. Services are comprehensive and designed to meet each client’s unique needs.

Key Impacts of Project Horizon

  • Create a safe and nurturing environment for staff & clients.

  • Double inpatient treatment bed capacity to 100, thereby increasing earned revenue.

  • Fold in system partners (Milwaukee County Family Drug Treatment Court, Division of Milwaukee Child Protective Services) and add high-frequency services on-site services through partnerships & co-location. This will increase access for women and their children to access services such as primary care, dental care, and Medication Assisted Treatment, an evidence-based best practice in the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder.

  • Create a pipeline of mental health professionals through the expansion of Meta House’s robust internship program.